With so much being revealed about how sexual predators are able to find their way into churches, ministries, and other youth-oriented organizations, it has become all too clear that the screening process and quality of training most often utilized has been inadequate.
Based on over 30 years of professional clinical work with both predators and survivors, Church Protect's mission is straightforward: To train churches and other organizations on the methods and mindsets of sexual perpetrators, while educating on how best to support the survivors of sexual abuse.
Since it's inception in 2015, ChurchProtect.org has been serving as a trusted source of information and insights, consultation and training for individuals, parents, churches, schools, ministries, and faith-based organizations around the world on matters related to child protection, Sexual Predator Identification, & Survivor support. In this day of increasing confusion about different Movements and trends that are gaining acceptance among vulnerable youth and young adults, people from all corners of the globe have been turning to us for help.
​Church Protect is committed to ensuring churches and other organizations know how best to keep their most vulnerable members safe from the wiles of sophisticated predators. Contact Jon K. Uhler, LPC to schedule the most comprehensive and insightful training available.
​Church Protect is pleased to now be a part of the larger ministry of SurvivorSupport.net. As word spreads about the unique work & the insights offered by our Founder, Jon K. Uhler, MS, LPC, the list of those giving their "stamp of approval" continues grows.

​Jon K. Uhler, LPC can be viewed LIVE on Friday night, 8-9 pm EST in the US, featured on www.TECN.TV
On the program, he shares his clinical insights into the issues most people are dealing with which cause them to become emotionally and spiritually stuck. As a result, the word is spreading about the program, and the help it offers.
What are people saying about Journey to Healing?​

​Since 2015, Jon K. Uhler, LPC work through ChurchProtect.org, SurvivorSupport.net, his blog, SurvivorSupport.us, and his efforts on various Social Media Platforms (including Twitter, GETTR, MeWe, Facebook, and Quora) have been helping to educated people on the minds and motives, sophisticated of sexual predators, and the methods they most often use to gain access to vulnerable women and minors.

Thanks to Dr. Larry Sanger, Ph.D., Founder of Wikipedia
for his vote of confidence in Jon K. Uhler's information & message.
You can find Dr. Sanger's comments and insights on Twitter @lsanger
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among his featured posts.

Thanks to Emilie Kao (@EmilieTHF), the Heritage Foundation's Director of the DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society
for her vote of confidence in Jon K. Uhler's message.
Emilie's keen intellect and dedication to the virtues of our Founder's is something a genuine force for good.
Visit her work at Heritage.org
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among her featured posts.
Thanks to Amazing Polly
(@99freemind and Youtube.com/AmazingPolly)
for her vote of confidence in Jon K. Uhler's message.
Polly has fought tirelessly to unmask darkness in its many forms, and her keen insights and analysis are among the best
on Social Media
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among her featured posts.

Thanks to Stella Morabito, Senior Contributing Editor at
The Federalist, for her vote of confidence in
Jon K. Uhler's message.
As a former Intelligence Analyst, Ms. Morabito helps her readers see beneath the surface and behind the curtain to see powerful & strategic influences currently shaping our minds and our culture. Her important work can be accessed through her blog, and her social media pages
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among her featured posts.

Thanks to Dr. Lori Handrahan for her vote of confidence in
Jon K. Uhler's message. As the author of the incredible book, EPIDEMIC: America's Trade in Child Rape, Lori has been one of the frontline fighters, working tirelessly to shed light on the connection between pornography and child sex trafficking.
Her work on Twitter is a must-read (https://twitter.com/LoriHandrahan2).
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among her featured posts.

Thanks to Elizabeth Johnston, aka "The Activist Mommy",(Activistmommy.com), for her vote of confidence in Jon's message. Elizabeth has been one of the frontline fighters, working tirelessly to uphold the traditional values, fighting against those things that would harm our kids. As such, Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among her featured posts.

Thanks to Andrea Walton (https://twitter.com/AndreaRomans828),
for the tremendous vote of confidence in Jon's message. Andrea is one of the frontline fighters on Twitter, working tirelessly to uphold the traditional values as our Founders, and fighting those things that would harm our kids. As such, Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among her featured posts.

Thanks to #WWG1WGA, ( https://twitter.com/PresDJTrumpUSA), for the vote of confidence in Jon's message. This Anon is one of the frontline fighters on Twitter against the trafficking of children.
As such, Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among their
featured posts.

Thanks to Tracy Shannon, of MassResistanceHouston, for her vote of confidence in Jon's message. As MassResistanceHouston one of the country's frontline defenders against the methods and strategies of the Predators within the Trans Movement,
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among Tracy's
featured posts.

Thanks to Dan Kleinman of Safe Libraries (@SafeLibraries), for his vote of confidence in Jon's message. As Dan is one of the country's frontline advocates for safe libraries against sexual predators & their influences,
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among Dan's
featured posts.

Thanks to Andre Van Mol, MD, Board-Certified Family Physician, for his vote of confidence & support.
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among Dr. Van Mol's
featured posts.

Thanks to Ella Cruz, author of Ring of the Cabal (a powerful book unmasking some of the world's most nefarious of Predators) for her vote of confidence & support.
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among Ellas's
featured posts.

Thanks to Eleanor Gaetan, Legislative Adviser, for
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (catwinternational.org), and an editor for
Dignity: A Journal on Sexual Exploitation and Violence,
for her vote of confidence.
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among Eleanor's
featured posts.

Thanks to Dr. Michael K. Laidlaw,MD,
(@MLaidlawMD)for his vote of confidence. Jon K. Uhler is honored to have his work recognized by such a medical professional & researcher.
Dr. Laidlaw is a Practicing Endocrinologist in Rocklin, CA. His latest article ‘The Gender identity phantom’:

Thanks to 2X IPPY eLIT Gold Medal award winning author,Tania Marshall of www.aspiengirl.com, for her vote of confidence. Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among Tania's featured posts.
Tania Marshall is a leading psychologist, a best selling author, a 2016 & 2015 ASPECT Autism Australia National Recognition Award Nominee (Advancement Category) and a 2015 eLIT Gold Medal Award winner for her first self-published book entitled "I Am AspienGirl: The Unique Characteristics, Traits and Strengths of Young Females on the Autism Spectrum", foreword by Dr. Judith Gould.

Thanks to Mandy Diamond of Songs of Intimacy for her vote of confidence. Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among Mandy's featured posts. Mandy's powerful testimony, having been rescued in the nick of time from being trafficked into the sex industry is a powerful story of redemption and hope.

Thanks to 'Backpage True Crime' for their vote of confidence.
Jon K. Uhler is honored to be included among their list of those they consider "true heroes" in their work on behalf of Survivors.

Thanks to the NCOSE for the recent post on their site:

How should a church, ministry, or human service organization decide whether or not they need Church Protect's Gold Standard level of professional training? Is it enough to implement criminal background checks, policies & procedures, safety screening processes, "awareness training," and even to pay for a facility "walk-through" safety assessment?
No, unless you are content with remaining unaware as to how the greatest threats will inevitably enter the life of your church or organization. Truth be told, the chances are that some are already there.
Threats will not just come from without, but also from within. Is your church ready for when some of these individuals finally reveal themselves... or are revealed?

Though it may seem hard to believe, the US Olympic Gymnastics team actually had implemented some of the nation's most intensive child protection screening policies and procedures
So, how did such a profoundly dangerous child predator as Dr. Larry Nassar remain undetected for nearly 20 tears?
How is it that he was able to apparently teach Bible classes on Sunday mornings in his church, and their screening process not be able to detect the truth about him?
Why wouldn't it have been enough for them to rely upon background checks, screening methods, child protection policies and procedures, a training on "red flags" and the methods used by child predators, and even a facility walk-through?
Why weren't the young victims willing to come forward sooner? What could the church and the US Olympic Committee have done differently to have ensured there created a culture to where the girls could have come forward years ago, before so many more children were victimized?
And, what makes your church or organization any different?

And, is your church capable of dealing with the threats from "with out," from what we call the Stage 2 Sexual Perpetrator?
This is the perpetrator who will at some point let it be known to you or select individuals that he sexually perpetrated in the past, but has "repented, and received the Lord's forgiveness," and is now, more than ever, "in need of support from the church, so he can ensure he does not slip back into his old ways."
Unless adequately trained, the leadership of your church or ministry will not be able to effectively discern the degree of change that has truly occurred within the perpetrator's heart, if there has been a change at all. In all likelihood, they will approach such a case like they would any other, and end of making some very bad decisions, as a result of their emotions coloring their judgement.
In this day and age, it is only a matter of time until your church or organization is forced to confront this most important issue.
Has your training equipped you to know how best to handle this serious dilemma? What do you tell the offender? What do you tell your members? What do you tell his victims and their families?
What do you plan to do with him? What will be the basis for those decisions? What if you don't get it right?

With its experience and insight, Church Protect's training can reveal, right in front of your eyes, the heart of the kinds of sexual perpetrators most likely to walk through your doors, helping you to distinguish which ones are able to be helped vs. which ones are simply targeting your church.
And, we can help a church, ministry, or other such organization reliably discern degrees of psychopathy and reprobation from both a trained clinical and Biblical perspective.

Our unique training is conducted by an experienced clinician who can help you understand the kinds of sexual perpetrators and Sexually Violent Predators most likely to start attending your church.
Church Protect's Director, Jon K. Uhler, MS, LPC, is forensically trained and certified in the Hare Psychopathy Checklist assessment tool (PCL-R), and qualified to professionally assess the risk levels of convicted sex offenders.

Church Protect's training material was designed by a Sex Offender Treatment Specialist, who spent years "behind bars" providing professional sex offender assessments, evaluations, and treatment to incarcerated sex offenders of all kinds.

Church Protect's training is uniquely suited to help you and your church or organization assess and discern the methods, motives, the moral disposition, and the mind of the full continuum of possible sexual perpetrators that may find their way through your door.

Our trainings include one-of-a-kind information, which is unavailable in any other training, as our information was derived from actual clinical work with approximately 4000 sex offenders behind bars.

Only Church Protect can help you see behind the eyes of the sexual perpetrator, to help you understand the personality dynamics of each kind of offender, the multiple factors underlying each category of sexual offense, and the cycles experienced by each kind of offender.

No other training is able to help you understand the unique and distinct motivations of the various types of sexual offenders you are likely to encounter, and the corresponding degrees of deviance and sociopathy through which they will pass during the descent into their particular kind of sexual offense.
And, you will learn what kinds of boundaries are most applicable to each of the specific categories of sexual perpetrators, in order to keep your members safe.

Church Protect's training will help you understand the personality characteristics and disposition which correlate with each degree of sexual deviance, so you know how best to ensure your efforts are not misguided.
You will learn how to discern the degree to which the various types of sexual offenders will be responsive to and benefit from the help offered, as opposed to them simply manipulating you.

And, most importantly, you will learn what steps a congregation or organization can take to create an environment where survivors can feel safe enough to finally come forward to tell their stories, and to begin their journey into healing.