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The following will be uncomfortable to read & see, but good people must understand that Predators are making significant strides in gaining public acceptance and access to kids. We are not called to be comfortable, but to protect the vulnerable and stop oppression & darkness. Predators foist perpetration upon the vulnerable, placing around their necks a millstone of pain they will struggle with and trip over the rest of their live, and it will serve as the greatest obstacle to them coming to correctly understand who God is, and how much hHe loves them when wickedness was permitted to go unchecked in their young lives.
So, brace yourself, and understand the nature of the current battle underway for the hearts, minds, and bodies of our young people

Sadly, but almost predictably, Twitter removed Dr. Hendley, Ph.D, as sghe posted about her experience as a teenager suffering from mental illness. She reported that her misdiagnosed illness would have made her a sitting target for a Trans Predator to have started to manipulate her and her parents re. gender dysphoria.
She warned of the tactics of the Predators embedded within the Trans Movement, and for that she was removed from Twitter. That came the same day that I had posted the Red Flags Characteristics of Sexual Predators on social media, such as Twitter, and am now permanently placed into a screened category

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